Your marketing department might just be you, or as described in The Ultimate Sales Machine, "A one-person army," or you might have multiple people on your marketing team. Either way, you need to understand these important marketing tips in order to run a tight and effective marketing machine.
1. Use a marketing budget to avoid excessive and wasteful spending. However, always exceed the budget on everything that gives you your desired return-on-investment.
2. Test, test, test. This means finding out what works and what does not work. Kill everything that doesn't produce new customers.
3. Survey customers to find out what works. What the manager thinks is irrelevant if the customers don’t agree. Stop funding for all marketing projects that are not supported by positive customer feedback.
4. Establish multiple pillars of marketing. For example: web sites, yellow pages, brochures, mail-outs, signs.
5. Create a customer-referral program. Reward referrals for the right kinds of customers.
6. Make customers say, “WOW” in order to become a referable company. Focus close attention to excellent customer service.
7. Formula for Growth = Capture + Amplify + Maintain. Capture new clients. Amplify the customer relationship. Maintain that client relationship. (From Your Management Sucks!)
8. When customers leave, you must find out why. Try to get them back and learn from mistakes.
9. Always ask for referrals, especially from happy customers.
10. Don’t try to win awards with advertising. The best award is new customers.
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